can you heat up ready meals in an air fryer

Can You Heat Up Ready Meals In An Air Fryer? Yay Or Nay?

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Wondering if you can heat up ready meals in your air fryer? You absolutely can! 

We put 5 popular microwave meals to the test in the air fryer and the results were impressive. From cottage pie to sausages and mash, these frozen ready meals cooked up beautifully in the air fryer, delivering quick and convenient meals in no time. Read on for more details.

Key Takeaways:

  • Heating up ready meals in an air fryer is a viable option.
  • Air fryers provide a quick and convenient way to cook frozen meals.
  • You can enjoy crispy results without excessive oil or added fats.
  • Follow the recommended cooking times and temperatures for each specific meal.
  • The air fryer is a valuable addition for busy individuals or those who enjoy the convenience of ready meals.

    Cooking Ready Meals In Air Fryers

    Whether you’re looking to try air fryer ready meal recipes or simply reheating your favorite frozen dishes, the air fryer can be a game-changer in terms of convenience and time saving.

    1. Remove The Packaging

    • Start by removing all packaging from the ready meal, including any cling film or plastic wrap. 
    • This is crucial to ensure even cooking and prevent any interference with the air circulation in the fryer. 
    • Once the packaging is removed, place the meal directly into the air fryer basket or onto the grill pan, ensuring it’s evenly spaced out. It may be wise to place a baking or parchment sheet on the bottom of the basket.

    2. Set The Temperature And Time

    • Choose the temperature and time according to the specific instructions for your meal. 
    • Cooking times can vary depending on the size and contents of the ready meal, so be sure to consult the packaging for guidance. 
    • If there are no specific instructions, a general rule of thumb is to aim for a temperature of around 350°F (175°C) and adjust the cooking time accordingly.

    3. Cook The Foods

    • As the ready meal cooks, the hot air circulating in the fryer will help to achieve a crispy texture and evenly heat the dish. 
    • It’s recommended to check the readiness of the meal periodically and give it a gentle shake or stir to ensure even cooking. 
    • This will help avoid any potential hot spots or areas that may remain undercooked.

    4. Ready To Serve

    • Once the cooking time is complete, use tongs or oven mitts to carefully remove the ready meal from the air fryer. 
    • Ensure that the dish is piping hot throughout before serving to guarantee food safety. 
    • Let it cool briefly before enjoying your delicious, crispy, and reheated ready meal.

    Cooking Times & Temperatures For Common Ready Meals

    Ready MealCooking TimeCooking Temperature
    Cottage Pie25 minutes375°F (190°C)
    Sausages and Mash20 minutes360°F (182°C)
    Pizza15 minutes350°F (175°C)
    Lasagna30 minutes380°F (193°C)
    Beef Dinner35 minutes400°F (200°C)


    • These cooking times and temperatures are general guidelines and may vary based on the specific brand and size of the ready meal. 
    • Always refer to the packaging instructions for the most accurate cooking recommendations.
    • Some frozen microwave meals may require a partial defrost before air frying. 
    • In such cases, follow the defrosting instructions on the packaging before proceeding with the air frying process.

    Benefits Of Cooking Ready Meals In An Air Fryer

    Cooking ready meals in an air fryer offers several benefits.

    Quick & Efficient

    • It is a quick and efficient way to heat up frozen meals. 
    • The air fryer can handle cooking both frozen and ready meals faster than a regular oven.
    • This can be a time-saving option for busy individuals or those looking for a convenient meal prep solution.

    Crispy Textures

    • Air fryers can produce crispy results, similar to traditional oven cooking or deep frying. 
    • This means that you can enjoy ready meals that have a nice texture and flavor, without the need for excessive oil or added fats. 
    • The air fryer uses hot air circulation to cook the food, resulting in a crispy outer layer while keeping the inside moist and tender.

    Convenience & Delicious

    • With air fryer cooking, you can still enjoy the convenience of ready meals without sacrificing taste or texture. 
    • It’s a healthier alternative to traditional frying methods, as it requires little to no oil. 
    • This can be especially beneficial for individuals looking to reduce their calorie or fat intake without compromising on flavor.

    Its Versatility

    • You can cook a variety of ready meals, from frozen pizzas and chicken nuggets to lasagna and fish fillets. 
    • The air fryer provides a consistent and even cooking process, ensuring that your ready meals are heated thoroughly and evenly.

    ready meals for air fryer

    Is it Safe to Remove the Air Fryer Basket While Heating Up Ready Meals?

    Yes, removing air fryer basket safely while heating up ready meals is safe. Just pull the basket out of the fryer, shake or stir the food for even cooking, then slide it back in. Be cautious as the basket can be hot. Always use oven mitts or silicone grips to protect your hands.

    Meal Prep With An Air Fryer

    In addition to heating up ready meals, an air fryer can also be used for meal prepping. 

    • This is especially beneficial for busy individuals who want to save time during the week. 
    • By cooking multiple ready meals in advance, you can have a week’s worth of delicious and nutritious meals ready to go. 
    • Simply heat up the pre-cooked meals in the air fryer whenever you’re ready to eat.
    • Meal prepping with an air fryer allows you to control the ingredients and portion sizes of your meals. 
    • You can customize each ready meal to suit your dietary preferences, whether you’re following a specific diet or trying to incorporate more vegetables into your meals. 
    • With the air fryer, you have the flexibility to experiment with different ingredients and flavors to create a variety of tasty and wholesome ready meals.

    Bottom Line

    Overall, heating up ready meals in an air fryer is not only possible but also a great option for busy individuals looking for a quick and convenient cooking method. The air fryer offers a fast cooking alternative, allowing you to enjoy your favorite ready meals in no time.

    Whether you’re a busy professional or simply enjoy the convenience of ready meals, adding an air fryer to your kitchen appliances can be a game-changer. 

    With its ability to heat up ready meals quickly and efficiently, the air fryer is a fantastic option for anyone looking for a hassle-free cooking experience.

    Happy cooking!


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